Saturday, December 26, 2020

What a time to be alive


What a time to be alive. While we still do have a good number of experts we are now, largely, able to teach ourselves with the right amount of material and levels of discipline. The digital age[1] is here to stay and while here there are still quite a few that fail to fully grasp just how beneficial this time is. Many of us take for granted that not too long ago, 1700s, the average person could not read and write as we do today.[2] The average person could not readily afford books though money has lost its purchasing power since then due to the removal of the gold exchange and standards all together.[3] We typically consume mountains of television[4] and even radio airtime though that appears to be waning.[5]


As to our experts, they are most needed within the fields of medicine, engineering, architecture, law, and the physical sciences.[6] It would appear that other fields the experts are needed increasingly less such as religion, media, history, etc. There are available a myriad of tools at our disposal to now utilize to become proficient in these and other areas. We are long passed the time of little to no literacy to where we now have home libraries, archives of pdfs and eBooks, and learn many things from watching online videos from the likes of say YouTube and even Vimeo. Today you can practically become an ardent and quite astute auto-didact that could arguably be better and much more well read than college graduates. This may seem condescending to some, but I have become aware of researchers with no college background that have broken things down far better than many who have attended university.


Beyond just learning and having gadgets at our disposal such as the modern cellphone which has become a minicomputer in our pockets or on our hips, the way that we communicate now is in light speed. Social media, for better or worse, has largely impacted the way that we communicate back and forth and from day to day. Face to face has long not been the rule of the day. And unfortunately, since the current health crisis, social media has seen an enormous uptick in collaboration.[7] So, where does this leave us in charting the waters to the next destination? We will have to wait and see. But I would say learn all that you can and utilize, as much as possible, all of the available tools that are at our disposal. And always plan, prepare, be aware, and stay safe.

[1] the present time, in which many things are done by computer and large amounts of information are available because of computer technology:

(Definition of digital age from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

Saturday, December 5, 2020

World Corporation


King Camp Gillette

World Corporation by King Camp Gillette. Yes the same Gillette, "The best a man can get."

What Matters - World Corporation (

Antony C. Sutton

Capital of Industry is incorrect. Captain of Industry is correct.

For all who are unable to access my podcast, and you desire too, please let me know at: I will do my very best to get it to you immediately.

Financial Rules Changes

Correction: HSBC USA Inc. were caught in 2012 laundering drug money:

Financial Rules Changes II

Correction to Financial Rules Changes

Network (1976) 

Arthur Jensen talking to Mr. Beale:

Thursday, December 3, 2020

It Begins ...


After years of research and finally haven developed the confidence to share with those close to me I have decided to start writing/blogging about what I have learned due to the advice of others who found value in what I had to say.

After a period of experiencing enough pain, suffering, and loss I began searching the topics that I had come to learn about through my upbringing. It occurred to me that either the world is a really messed up place or perhaps something was wrong with me. Maybe both are true but the latter was definitely true. I was brought up with conservative Christian values and played by the rules. I finished High School, stayed out of trouble, joined the military, got married, had my children in wedlock, became a Christian, went to college, kept jobs, etc. What do you do when you do all of that and it still comes with a fair amount of trouble? You might even ask why bother going down a rabbit hole. Well, life is rarely as simple as many of us would like to believe.

Over a process of time I will share my thoughts and experiences in re-education from an auto-didactic perspective. I will write about religion, spirituality, politics, government, economics, business, finance, education, etc. The entire gambit. I will also be podcasting and in time will get into other forms of media.

I will do my absolute best to at least write about one topic, unless there is something that I come across that is most pressing, weekly. So, thank you for joining. Stick around because it's going to get interesting.

A Connection Between Banking and Trading Houses II

  As research continues into the early days of banking and commerce it yields connections that become that much more interesting. The Hong K...